Adding Azure Remote App Users with PowerShell

Adding azure remote app users with PowerShell is a relatively simple task and many times quicker than waiting for the clunky web based UI. The first thing to do is install the ‘Microsoft Azure PowerShell module’.

Once you have this module installed you need to add an Azure account. You only ever need to do this once. It’s as simple as running the following cmdlet and signing in.


Once you have signed in you will need to select the subscription that you want to add the user to. You can get a list of all you subscriptions using:


Then to select a subscription use the following:


Once you have selected your subscription you can begin to add users. This is as simple as running:

add-AzureRemoteAppUser -CollectionName -Type orgid -Userupn <User UPN/Email>

This will then add the user to the selected collection under the selected subscription and allow them to start using remote apps.